H.E. Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri
Minister of State for Food Security, UAE

H.E. Sarah bint Yousif Al Amiri
Minister of State for Advanced Sciences, UAE

Mr. Ayman Amin Sejiny
General Manager (CEO) of ICD, Saudi Arabia

H.E. Dr. Sidi Ould Tah
Director General,
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, Sudan

Dr. Kanayo F. Nwanze
Fifth President, International Fund for Agricultural Development
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, FAYODE, Nigeria

Dr. Ren Wang
Senior Vice President of the BGI Group, President, BGI Global Development, China

Dr. Suleiman Al-Herbish
Former Director General, OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), KSA

Dr. Nina Fedoroff
Emeritus Professor of Biology, Penn State University, USA

Dr. José Graziano da Silva
Eighth Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Brazil

H.E. Mohammed Mohammed Saleh
Director General,
Federal Electricity and Water Authority, UAE

Dr. Ismahane Elouafi
Director General, ICBA, UAE

H.E. Dr. Hussein Al Mahmoudi
CEO, Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (SRTI Park), UAE

Ms. Hajbouha Zoubeir
President, Phosboucraa Foundation, Morocco

Dr. Adil Bushnak
Chairman, Bushnak Group - Saudi Arabia

Mr. Soud Ba’alawy
Chairman, Enspire, UAE

Dr. Dennis Rangi
Director General, Development, CABI-Kenya

Prof. Afaf Kamal Eldin
College of Food and Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University, UAE

Dr. Tarifa Al Zaabi
Deputy Director General, ICBA, UAE

Dr. Jacques Wery
Deputy Director General – Research, ICARDA - Egypt

Dr. Ursula Schaefer-Preuss
Former Director General, Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

H.E. Dr. Maryam Mohamed Fatma Matar
Founder and Chairperson, UAE Genetic Diseases Association – UAE

H.E. Dr. Mohammad Hossein Emadi
Permanent Representative to FAO, Chair of COAG, IR Iran

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer, Dubai Cares, UAE

Ms. Habiba Al Marashi
CoFounder and Chairperson, Emirates Environmental Group, UAE
H.E. Mr. Yerlan A. Baidaulet
Director General, Islamic Organisation for Food Security – Kazakhstan

Mrs. Fatiha Charradi
Vice President of Agricultural Development - Domestic Market, OCP Group – Morocco

Ms. Roula Majdalani
Director - Sustainable Development and Productivity Division, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) – Lebanon

Prof. Benildo G. de los Reyes
Bayer Crop Science Endowed Chair in Plant Genomics and Associate Department Chair for Research and Graduate Programs, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech University, USA

Prof. Yassir Makkawi
Professor of Chemical Engineering, American University of Sharjah (AUS) - UAE

Prof. R. Quentin Grafton
UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance, Australia

Mr. Eduardo Mansur
Director, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Dr. Alejandro Rios Galvan
Director, Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium, UAE

Dr. P. C. Sharma
Director, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), India

Dr. Jennifer Ngo-Anh
SciSpacE Team Leader, Directorate of Human and Robotic Exploration Programmes (HRE-RS), European Space Agency, The Netherlands

Mr. Rachid Serraj
Senior Project Officer, Delivery Manager for the Regional Initiative on Small Scale Family Farming, Regional Office in Near East and North Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Egypt

Ms. Seta Tutundjian
Director of Programs, ICBA, UAE

Dr. Samuel Gameda
Senior Soil Scientist, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, Ethiopia

Dr. Salwa Karboune
Associate Dean (Research),
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,
McGill University, Canada

Salma Bani
Senior Executive Program Planning, Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning - Bahrain

Dr. Javier Mateo–Sagasta
Senior Researcher, International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka

Dr. Marcus Thomson
Research Scholar – Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land use and Energy (FABLE) Consortium - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) – Austria

Dr. Khalil Ammar
Principal Scientist in Hydrology/Hydrogeology and Head of Sustainable Natural Resources Management Section, ICBA, UAE

Dr. Martin Banov
President, Agricultural academy, Bulgaria

Dr. Asad Sarwar Qureshi
Senior Scientist in Water and Irrigation Management, ICBA, UAE

Ms. Jane Ininda
Associate Program Director, Alliance for a Green Revolution (AGRA), Kenya

Dr. Abdelbagi M. Ismail
Principal Scientist and Representative for Africa, International Rice Research Institute, Kenya

Dr. Girisha K Ganjegunte
Professor, Texas A&M University, USA

Prof. Abderrazak Bannari
Arabian Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain

Prof. Mark Tester
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Ivan Ingelbrecht
Head, Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory, IAEA, Austria

Dr. Abdelaziz Hirich
Horticulture Scientist, ICBA, UAE

Dr. Babar Bajwa
Regional Director (Central West Asia), Project Leader ACIAR, CABI – Pakistan

Dr. Dionysia Angeliki Lyra
Halophyte Agronomist, ICBA, UAE

Dr. Ali Elbattay
Senior Scientist - Remote Sensing and Drones Technology, ICBA - UAE

Dr. Tong Wei
Interim Director, Desert Life Sciences Center, ICBA
Program Leader, Agricultural Genomics Center, BGI-Research, China

Dr. Ahmed Al-Busaidi
Department of Soils, Water and Agricultural Engineering, College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Dr. Salma Balazadeh
Associate professor, Leiden University - The Netherlands

Dr. Virender Kumar
Senior Scientist - Weed Science, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines
Gélica Eugénio Inteca
Lecture and Deputy Director of postgraduate, research and extension, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Lurio University - Mozambique

Mr. Rashyd Zaaboul
Modeler - Climate Change, ICBA, UAE

Ms. Afia Fosua Agyekum

Prof. Ashwani Pareek
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Prof. Mohsen Disher
Professor, University of Basrah College of Agriculture - Iraq

Dr. Murali Krishna Gumma
Head, GIS and Remote Sensing Lab, ICRISAT, India

Dr. Alban Echchelh
Postdoctoral research assistant, Cranfield University – United Kingdom

Dr. Atugonza L Bilaro
Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Tanzania

Dr. D. Ishankulova
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute - Uzbekistan

Dr. Dyaa Abdou
Director, Sustainable Agricultural Development, Egypt

Dr. E. Michael Gilmont
Research Fellow, University of Oxford – United Kingdom

Dr. Eman Musa Kadhum
Chief Expert, Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria

Dr. Gengyun Zhang
Chief Scientist on Agriculture, BGI-Research, BGI - China

Dr. Katarzyna Negacz
Researcher, Wadden Academy/IVM-VU – Netherlands

Dr. Mohamed A. Dawoud
Manager, Water Resources Department, Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Muhi El-Dine Hilali
Researcher, ICARDA, Amman-Jordan

Dr. Muriel Gros-Balthazard
Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, New York University Abu Dhabi - UAE

Dr. Rim Nefissi Ouertani
Assistant Professor, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia

Dr. Shashi Kumar Gupta
Principal Scientist - Pearl Millet Breeding, ICRISAT, India

Dr. Sherine Fathy Mansour
Associate Professor of Agricultural Economic Socio-Economic Division, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Yash Dang
Senior Research Fellow, University of Queensland - Australia

Mr. Bektashev Jakhongir Rakhimovich
Farm Manager, "Baxt Imkon Rivoj Chorvasi" farming entity, Uzbekistan

Prof. Abdulkadir Egal
Director, Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods of the Vaal University of Technology - South Africa

Dr. Suresh Kumar Chaudhari
NRM Division, KAB-II, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India

Dr. Habtamu Giday Gebraegziabher
Post-doctoral Fellow: Urban and Vertical Farming, ICBA, UAE

Dr. Juan Pablo Rodríguez Calle
Post-Doctoral Fellow, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, UAE

Dr. Mohammad Alnsour
Natural Resources Manager, WADI for Sustainable Ecosystem Development NGO, Jordan

Dr. Alex Ariho
CEO, African Agribusiness Incubators Network, Ghana

Dr. David Paulson
Agritech Consultant – Agrosolution, UAE

Mr. Anup Isaac
Country Director, Yellow Door Energy - UAE

Mr. Deepak Pareek
CEO and Founder, Digi Agri, India

Mr. Hans Hassle
Co-Founder, Plantagon – Sweden

Mr. Joseph Lentunyoi
Director and Founder, Laikipia Permaculture Center, Kenya

Mr. Patrick Crowley
Founder, Chapul, USA

Mr. Ronald de Ruiter
Founder, GrowArabic BV - UAE

Mrs. Alem Greiling
Founder and CEO, Nutri-Dense, Ethiopia

Ms. Cyndi Teulon
Environmental Advisor, RSK Environment, UAE

Ms. Ejezie Juliet
Farm Manager, Dozliet Anim Farms, Nigeria and Volunteer, Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network

Ms. Kata Molnar
Independent water risk and policy analyst, Hungary

Ms. Randa Habib
Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Manager- First Food Consultancy, Dubai, UAE

Ms. Rosemary Nenini
Coordinator, Twala Women’s Group, Kenya

Mr. Mohamed Aissaoui
Founder, My Farm, UAE

Mr. Abdulaziz Al Mulla
Co-Founder and CEO, Madar Farms, UAE

Mr. Yazen Al Kodmani
Operations Manager, Emirates BioFarm, UAE